Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Awesome day

Today was awesome!

I had a really good sleep.

Josie decided to eat (all three meals!). She was a bit lacklustre yesterday (I think she missed Susan!) and didn't eat very much, which was worrying. Today, back on track and very happy.

The horses were brilliant.

Fon was attentive and soft. She did not anticipate and rush, she listened and did what I asked. She did not toss her head once when I walked her in connection. She did really good out/in work on one and two lines (like yesterday, I did some hip press). She waited for her walk-on cue when I got in the saddle. Her hind legs were right there when I asked for them. We walked down the end of the field and wove in and around the trees - she was a little looky but not jumpy or spooky and settled quickly, giving me some lovely head-down walk on a long/loose rein. Her right circles are going great. She was stretching down into the bit/bridle really well.
I need to work on asking her to come through (from a 'come on') through the change of direction transition. I focussed on that today and it really helped her.

Chico was right there, too, when I took him down for groundwork in his bridle. He put his head down before I picked up the reins. He did some lovely out/in in both walk and trot, with some steps of sideways as well. He was super to ride. I basically went straight into trot and explored what I need to do in changes of direction to keep him through in the transition. I also practised some turn on the forehand and attempted turn on the haunches (he saved my butt as I was only guessing at what I needed to do).

On the way home from the barn I was listening to the radio and heard them say something about a concert in Washington. Missed hearing the date but looked when I got home. Figured it'd be after I left for NZ (of course).


Aerosmith, playing at the Tacoma Dome, 8/8.

Yes, 8 August.

Yes, tomorrow.

So, I have a ticket to Aerosmith's concert. TOMORROW!

I am so excited (to borrow a Connected phrase... "oh, really?").

I didn't take Monday off as Susan suggested, so I will do a short day tomorrow and a short/late day on Thursday (or maybe take Thursday off entirely).
Lana printed the ticket for me and talked me through getting there. Susan actually left some maps and info about the district on the kitchen bench, so I don't have to travel blind, so to speak. It will take about an hour to get there so I'll leave around 5.00-5.30pm (opening act start at 7.30pm). It's reserved seating so I don't need to worry about getting in early, except for navigational and parking purposes. I will take some food with me but might stop on the way if I see an interesting place. I think I will only be able to take my little camera into the venue (usually, cameras with removable lenses are not permitted).

In any case, it will be a fantastic night and I am really, really looking forward to it. All that's left (aside from getting there) is to make sure I don't get lost on the way home in the middle of the night ;)

I will catch you all on Thursday with some non-horsey photos! :D

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