Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Short day, and, some things to remember.

I walked to the barn today. I was out the door just before 8am and into the tack room at quarter to 9, having turned on the arena sprinkler on my way up the drive.

Today Karen came down to watch what Fon and I were doing. Fon was lovely and soft. The lateral work really helps her release her shoulders, which means she *can* be free and bring lightness in her movement. She did some lovely walk-trot transitions in-hand. Her rhythm in the trot is improving too - on the right rein, especially. She was not as free in her neck today but I will take the better rhythm if that's what I'm getting today! Better rhythm = less rushing = less tendency to drop onto the forehand = better able to release the base of her neck.

After Fon, I took Sully for some in-hand work in the short paddock. He was a little stiff and head-high so we worked on left-right transitions, and also some stuff with his neck and head.

Then I got to work mucking out the short paddock. Meanwhile, Lana took Chico out with Jenny and Gruella. They went to the local school and on the trail, all up an hour's ride. Chico behaved well.
After collecting two cart-loads of manure (on top of walking to the barn), I was tired. Lana turned Chico out. I quickly made up feeds and gave Sully hay while she finished up with Chico, so I could hitch a ride home with her.

Reminders for me: soft hand on the halter, especially for Fon who throws her head when she's stuck and out of balance. Sully needs repetition of all the softening exercises, with focus on head/poll, neck, shoulders, and heart-girth. Also, soften my back (breathe into my back) to help stay in neutral. Quality, not quantity, counts.

This afternoon Lana and I planned me cooking dinner for them one night. I also volunteered to make dessert for Saturday when we'll go back to Dusty and Phyllis's. I *think* Dusty is cooking prime rib: yummmmmy! The one catch is dessert needs to be dairy free, so I've done a little searching and think I've sorted out a combo of recipes that will suit what I want to make. We stopped by the supermarket for all the supplies this evening, after Lana and Ron took Selena (their 11 month old Standard Poodle) to obedience class (I'd been dropped off prior, to water the garden/plants at Peggy and Susan's house and walked the 20 mins to the supermarket).

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