Monday, July 9, 2012

Definitely jetlagged!

I woke up at 7am (alarm), went back to sleep as I thought I had until 1 to get to the barn ... woke again at 8.00 and 8.35, when I thought I better get up!! Lana told me that Karen had decided to work the horses in the morning so I should get ready to go, and we went to the barn around 10am.

Karen showed me around and I helped her turn their four horses out into the large field with longer grass. They are still integrating Peggy's new horse, Sully, who has only been here a week or so. They seem to be doing well with the change.

We brought Fonteyn in, groomed her and put a TTeam wrap on (body wrap + leg wraps). Karen got me to do a little groundwork to familiarise myself with her, before showing me a couple of things and handing her back. Karen also put Fonteyn out on a lunge line attached to a serreta (sp?). Fon tends to travel with her nose pointing to the left, in both directions. She's quick, sensitive/reactive, and although very soft, tends to hurry through what you're asking and also does more than what you've asked for. My challenge is to make her think more, slow her down, break down what I'm asking, and also remember the various ways to ask for the same thing (that is, three + ways I can do every thing).

Fonteyn went back out and Sully came in. He is a 'rehab' in progress & coming along well so far.  He got a basic figure-8 wrap then out for some groundwork. He tends to drift out and not engage his hindquarters; he appears lame on the inside front leg when he's not balanced.
The challenge is to ask for lots of in/out/on transitions. You have to do them quick quickly with him (I found the one-step in/out "dance" Peggy showed us last December was very effective).

Susan arrived as I was finishing up with Sully. We moved them back to the field with shorter grass, fed hay and went to the Verizon store to connect the mobile. On that note, if you want to get hold of me, email me for the number!

Peggy arrives home from Montana late tonight. I expect tomorrow will be a full on day.

Oh, good news - I am definitely going to Oregon at the start of August - woohoo!

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