Today, Peggy had her first chance to be at the barn for nearly a week. Ron dropped me at the barn on his way out in the morning (8.30am), so I'd done rems, feeds, two loads of mucking out and groomed Fonteyn before Peggy called to say she was on her way. I took Fon down and started some groundwork.
We had a LOT of rain last night and the arena was absolutely soaked. It is not good footing at the best of times, but is at its worst when super dry or super wet... today, it was sludge. Consequently, I did some quiet walk groundwork to get her moving before I asked her to halt and do some exercises just standing, or moving one foot at a time. She was in a really good headspace. I think her mood two days ago was simply her saying "hey, I need more processing time!"
Peggy tried out the two-armed heart-girth press (rotating to the horse's hind causes the front arm to have a lift, and rotating back to their head causes the back arm to have a lift, so you have the best of all worlds: your rotation causes the press, and each press has an "up, up!" in it). While she was working through that at Fon's speed, I was doing slow Elephant's Trunk by her head, and Karen even joined in with presses on her hindquarters.
We discussed achievements, too. Peggy believes in getting to the point: why spend a lifetime on something that can be achieved simply and quickly, when you decide what parts are stuck and which exercises will best unstick them!
Peggy also had a quick look at Sully. The same exercise will help him, as his ribs are quite inflexible at present (he hasn't had a LOT of CR). Also anything around his head, neck, shoulders and elbows, preferably with support of outside rein, and probably requiring a hand on the 1 (cheek press), 2 (top of neck), 3 (middle-upper neck) places... He would currently be best with a handler who had several arms ;)
Karen and I then took Bracken and Chico out on the trail. Karen uses the trails' twisty windy up and down-ness to her best advantage: she usually trots most of the way. It was really cool to get out and GO instead of meander along at a walk. Chico is a neat horse and has a lovely trot so I had fun. I also really appreciate the opportunities to get out of the arena (especially when it's in too poor a condition for anything more than walking).
Plans for the Oregon trip are shaping up. Peggy and Susan are travelling on Wednesday. I am taking the train on Thursday. Karen offered to drop me at the ferry so I need to check the timetable (there are a couple of blocks between the ferry terminal and train station in Seattle). I depart Seattle at 2.20pm and arrive in Albany at 7.50pm. I promise to take my camera and to actually USE it ;)
Lana and Ron are off before dawn tomorrow to catch the ferry to Seattle and then to Victoria (Canada). They will be back Thursday night. I am not coming back to their house after my trip to Oregon, as they have relatives coming to stay.
Soooooo, I am in the middle of packing my stuff up! I borrowed a bag from Lana for the trip (4 days + a travel day at each end). I need to bring my boots + chaps back from the barn and do all my washing on Wednesday, as well as things like towels, sheets, etc so the room I have been in is ready for new people.
However, it is getting late and I have a full-on day at the barn with Peggy tomorrow, so I best get off to bed. I would love to hear from you (by email) if I haven't been in touch recently. I do miss all of you down there!
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