Today was super busy and super hot again. I pulled the sheets off my bed to wash as I ate breakfast and made a sandwich for lunch.
I biked to the barn and took Sully out for groundwork first, as I also needed to give him another light hoof trim and he needed to work first. Boy, did he come out with ants in his pants! I settled for some reasonable walk in both directions with the cavesson, then changed him into the halter for just a little work, then took him back to trim his feet. He was still antsy as anything, so he got some fly spray which seemed to settle him while I trimmed. However he was back to idiotic antics the second I wanted him to stand still for some progress photos... I got what I needed and took him back to the paddock. Barely five seconds after being let go, he stretched out for a massive pee - I think he doesn't like splashing his legs in the stall or on the short grass!!! He is such a funny guy. After he was done he came back over for a quick cuddle (and the hope of another carrot, I bet).
He is starting to put on weight!
Peggy rang to say she'd be there at 12.30. Fon came in and was groomed in preparation. The other day I found she really, REALLY likes having her belly and udder scratched. I also think she's warming to me (she takes a while to truly "like" people). I also mixed up feeds for the 6 days we'll be away, plus some spares "just in case."
The barn worker, Nanette, had asked me to trim one pony's feet a week ago, and another pony yesterday (though neither was urgent so if I didn't get to them, that was fine). This area is a rough one for farriers: there are not many to start with. All the good ones are more than fully booked and the rest (to quote Nanette) "I wouldn't call them for my dead horse!"
The barn runs holiday camps for kids. Last week and this week they've had two groups. The older kids (8-12?) do 4 days and the younger kids (all under 5!) do 2 or 3 days (I lose track!). They ride in the mornings and finish at noon
... 11.40am and Fon was ready, the kids were back at the barn so I said "bring me Bozo when you're done," [gawd, what a name!] "and I'll sort his feet."
After Bozo, I realised I also had time to trim Molly, who foundered in a past life. Her feet are completely separated the whole way around, so the outer shape of the walls was probably 4cm wider in diameter than it should have been. Not cool, but I did my best to shape her hooves up nicely. She licked and chewed when I finished: a good sign.
I had 5 mins to drink some water and sit until Peggy got there. Today, Fon got tacked up to be ridden (the first time in a month or two). I started with some simple out/in walk and trot on the cavesson. Peggy and Karen set up four trotting poles and two small crosses (jumps) down one side of the arena. Fon trotted over them several times and then it was time to ride! She tries to please but is super quick and responsive, and got herself in a bit of a muddle. Peggy asked me to lead her and do a slow Elephant's Trunk to give her rhythm. Peggy worked on rotating to capture first the outside and then the inside hind leg. Fon settled really well. I swapped with Karen and grabbed Peggy's camera to get a few photos of the work. Peggy said she felt more suspension than this mare has given before, and a better, clearer rhythm. All in all, a very good first ride back!
Karen and I got Bracken and Chico ready. I warmed Chico up in the bridle with a couple of out/in/trot transitions in both directions. Ridden, the same thing. Peggy had us go over the poles. Chico felt "flat" on the arena surface, which desperately needs to be dragged. Peggy talked me through the approach to the poles: I needed to gather up his hind legs, eke on the outside rein but still give him an outside boundary, and move my bones in a rhythm to steady him. We managed some nice walk work at the end but my brain was totally fried. We are really just doing the same sequence (out/in/on) a million different ways, and I am learning which parts of ME need to do what, to achieve what we want.
Back at Lana's, I've done three loads of washing (towels, delicate/wool, and the rest of my barn clothes), almost finished packing for my trip away (literally half of the things I bought with me, including helmet, boots, gaiters, gloves, outdoor clothes and jods, indoor clothes, something for warm and something for cold), made a pot of coffee (nom) and need to have dinner. I will also pop down to check the mail, put out the trash for collection early tomorrow. Oh and the cats need their dinner!
I may not have internet until I get back to Poulsbo next Tuesday night, so will keep track of what we did and take as many photos as I can so you can share my trip. Until then, ciao!
PS. Walked down to the letterbox to collect the mail. It's about 750m, about the same as from the end of our driveway, down the lane to Newell Rd, however includes a very steep hill. On the way out I remembered to check Lana's raspberry bushes. Nom nom nom, there were ripe berries! I picked a handful to eat on my way down and another few handfuls before I got back to the house. Guess what I'm having for dessert?!
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